Blake Perlingieri

Blake Perlingieri began working professionally in 1990 at Body Manipulations, the second piercing studio in the world; at this time, BodyM was also the first studio in San Francisco.
In 1993 Blake opened Nomad, the first Tribal piercing studio in a fledgling industry. There he pioneered the use of scalpel piercing, dermal punching, “pierce and stretch” and freehand technique. Nomad was also the first studio to champion a line of organic jewelry, which was also an industry “first” concept. In 1994 Nomad was a co-founder of the APP. Blake has presented numerous lectures/talks and classes at APP, LBP, and GEP. In 2003 Blake authored a piercing book “a brief history of the evolution of body adornment” and in 2006 released a double dvd document on male genital piercing techniques as well as extreme scalpel procedures dating back to the mid ‘90’s. In 2006 Blake also worked with the Portland Art Museum as a guest curator for an exhibit of ancient mesoamerican jewelry.
2023 is Nomad’s 30th anniversary making Blake the longest practicing piercer at the same piercing studio continuously. (nomadpiercingpdx)

Class(es) 2023:
Nomad Extreme Procedures