Going Disposable for the Tool-Dependent Piercer

As the piercing industry trends towards disposable-only studios, it is becoming increasingly challenging for piercers who are tool dependent or simply prefer to use tools in their procedure to find suitable studios to work in. This class will cover:

– Transitioning to Disposable Tools: An overview of the benefits and challenges associated with disposable tools.

– Needle Blank Origami: Techniques for modifying needle blanks to suit various piercing needs.

– Exploring Disposable Options: A deep dive into the range of piercing-specific disposable tools available on the market.

– Bulk Purchasing Tools: Strategies for obtaining bulk discounts on traditionally reusable tools and passing them on to clients after the procedure to help maintain their piercings later (e.g., ring openers, hemostats, tapers, etc.).

Participants will leave this class with practical knowledge on how I as a tool preferring piercer have transitioned into a disposable studio without compromising the quality and precision of my work.

by: Daniel Lemon
Slot: 9 / Room: Room 10 / 11
– Fri. 7pm-8:30pm