RT: Apprenticeship: old school vs. new practices

The only legitimate way to become a piercer is to become an apprentice in a reputable piercing studio with an experienced mentor who is continuously expanding their knowledge. Different piercers/mentors have different ideas about how apprenticeships should be formed – payed or not, full or part time, only learning how to pierce or doing other studio tasks – jewellery sales, cleaning, processing tools, counter work… Many piercers who are in this industry for more than 5-10 years had rough apprenticeships and don’t want younger generations of piercers (or tattoo artists) to go through the same.

We will cover this topic through 3 perspectives – mentor’s, apprentice’s, and client’s. How we used to do it, what our current practices are, and what can we change to make this process easier, safer and better for everyone.

by: Ðana Ribarević
Slot: 8 / Room: 09
– Fri. 4pm-5:30pm