Evolution of a Subculture 02: An Insider’s History of Modcon.

Shawn Porter, historian and co-founder of Modcon, invites you to commemorate the 25th anniversary of this groundbreaking event. Modcon, short for Modification Convention, served as the pioneering platform for practitioners and enthusiasts of advanced and surgical body modification, taking it out of the back room and into the spotlight. In this special lecture, Shawn will contextualize the event’s history, media presence, and subcultural significance. Gain exclusive insights into Modcon’s evolution as Shawn shares stories and reflections from an insider’s perspective.

by: Shawn Porter
Slot: 9 / Room: 03
– Fri. 7pm-8:30pm
ReRun: Slot: 15 / Room: 09 – Sun. 9am-10:30am