Body suspension: Bridging Tradition and Modernity

Our practices are rooted in age-old traditions.

Following our experience at the Panguni Uthiram festival in India, we have been driven to delve deeper into the connections between modern Suspension and its ancient origins.

What shared elements link the contemporary expression of Body Suspension to its historical origins?

How can we honor the meaning and origins of these practices, outside the frame of cultural appropriation?

Through a comparative analysis, we draw parallels between traditional suspension and modern practices, highlighting the cultural, spiritual, and experiential connections.

By tracing their origins, we uncover the shared threads that bind them together across time and geography.

by: Eugenia (Darkam) Monti & Beto Rea (Santa Sangre Body Rituals)
Slot: 6 / Room: 03
– Fri. 11am-12:30pm