Body Art 101

Steve did his very first subcutaneous implant in 1994 ushering in a whole new world of self-realization and expression available to individuals around the world. In the last 25 years, Steve has created an art form that went from non-existent to international recognition. This class offers one hour and twenty minutes of video instruction of installations of several silicone pieces, as well as lecture and answering questions. If possible, a live demonstration will be offered. The class includes a set of 7 of Steve’s fourth generation (just released!) dermal elevator tool design, as well as 5 starter pieces of silicone. At the end of the seminar, attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.

extra paid Seminar : (includes a set of 7 newly designed dermal elevators and 5 simple pieces of silicone)

by: Steve Haworth
Slot: 12 & 13 / Room: cancelled
– Sat. 2pm-5:30pm